Toppage > Exchange Agreements

Exchange Agreements

As of June 1, 2020, there are currently 618 international students from a total of 38 different countries studying at Kanazawa University. In the School of Humanities, four are regular students, and nine are special auditors, while at the graduate level, 21 of these international students are regular students, two are research students, and one is a special auditor.

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Each year, Kanazawa University sends students to other institutions internationally through our Outbound Student Exchange program. In the past five years, 49 students from the School of Humanities have studied internationally. Kanazawa University has established agreements with 282 partner institutions at the university level, in 46 countries and one region. In addition, eight members of the School of Humanities teaching staff are from other countries, and they provide attentive, careful instruction to students. (Numbers shown are accurate as of the 2020 academic year.)