  • Educational Purposes Admissions Policy, Diploma Policy
  • Diploma Policy/ Educational Outcomes/ Curriculum Policy (Kanazawa University Site)

Features of the School of Humanities

The fields of knowledge exploring human activities are expanding without limit

The “School of Humanities” of Kanazawa University aims to learn ─ and train students to learn ─ about human behavior, thought, and creativity through studies of various kinds of idea, history, culture, and language. The objects of its study and education are diverse, from psychology to field study of cultures, human science, history, linguistics, and literature.

Courses, majors, and sub-majors … A flexible curriculum offering a wide range of options

To cultivate generalists who have a comprehensive and interdisciplinary perspective, we offer five courses and fifteen majors. Although you will decide your course and major when you advance to your sophomore year, to broaden your options, we have introduced a sub-major system, for example, so that you may receive an education that matches your intellectual aspirations and life plan.

Courses in the School of Humanities

  • Course of Psychology


    This is a course for learning scientifically the mechanisms and workings of the mind through the observation of human behavior.

  • Course of Human Sciences


    This is a course for pursuing current social problems by understanding humans and society through the study of behavior, environment, and thought.

  • Course of Field Study of Cultures


    This is a course in seeing, touching, and understanding various cultures mainly through fieldwork.

  • Course of History


    This is a course for researching the documents of the past to explore the histories of various regions and cultural exchanges.

  • Course of Linguistics and Literature


    This is a course for learning deeply the languages of the world and the literature and cultures in general based on these languages.

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