Toppage > Human Sciences Program

Human Sciences Program

Researching, Analyzing, and Thinking about Human, Social, Cultural, and Environmental Themes

This program aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the problems faced by modern society, with a focus on human, society, culture, and environment. The program provides students with a comprehensive, multifaceted understanding of contemporary society, built on knowledge of philosophy and ethics, sociology, cultural anthropology, and geography.

Educational Policy

The program maintains a respect for each student’s individual interests and individual education, through the study of philosophy and ethics, sociology, geography, and cultural anthropology, to help students develop: 1) critical reading skills for written materials, including ones in foreign languages as well as logical thinking skills; 2) problem-solving skills based on the collection, organization, and analysis of data related to people and society; 3) cross-cultural understanding and communication skills based on fieldwork; and 4) a comprehensive understanding of the social significance of places, spaces, and environments.

Studying in This Program

For their first two years, students each independently establish a curriculum based on their own interests, built on foundational lectures and practical seminars in the fields of philosophy and ethics, sociology, cultural anthropology, and geography. Third-year students enhance their applied and practical skills through Modern Society and Human Sciences A–D: common subjects within the program, built around fieldwork, data analysis, and debate. In their fourth year, students use these skills to work on a graduation thesis, based on a theme of their own choosing.