Message from the Head

Humanities are disciplines in which we attempt to understand ourselves clearly and deeply. More specifically, the humanities cover a wide range of topics such as psychology, cognition, language, communication, literature, civilization, culture, history, art, society, communities, production, logistics, rites, beliefs, ethics, thought, and wisdom, among others. Some of these fields may deal with matters that are closely related to the biological aspects of humans, while others may focus on the natural environment surrounding us.
The research in the humanities reveals a variety of facts that enable us to perceive ourselves more objectively. For example, psychological research outcomes can provide us with insights into the mechanisms of our minds and the characteristics of human cognition, and historical studies can provide important knowledge in clarifying the past and relativizing the present. Deep insights into human beings can also be obtained through the analysis of literary works. The humanities are thus like a mirror that reflects ourselves.
While humans have a remarkable faculty for making rational judgments, they can also behave irrationally. We can indeed be empathetic to others, but simultaneously, it is not uncommon for people to display a brutally aggressive and destructive nature. As human beings ourselves, we cannot completely evade our imperfections. Fortunately, however, we are endowed with a self-reflective mindset. The humanities are the practice of engaging in such a reflection on the self in a systematic way. Only by taking a fresh perspective on humans will we be able to find a way to develop their value even higher. If so, the fruits of the humanities can serve as a guide for how we should live in the future.
Today, the progress of information technology has caused various social problems, such as online slander and the proliferation of fake news. These problems cannot be addressed without gaining a deeper understanding of human nature in addition to advancements in technology. Along with technological innovations, humanistic examination needs to be pursued in parallel. Moreover, the world faces such diverse problems including environmental devastation, food crises, and the ongoing outbreaks of wars and conflicts. In addition, countless people still struggle with poverty, various forms of discrimination, and interpersonal difficulties. If the circumstances surrounding us have grown more challenging than ever before, then there is still room for the various fields of humanities to fully play their role.
We believe that, by acquiring knowledge and skills associated with the humanities through their studies at the Kanazawa University School of Humanities, students will develop a flexible understanding of diverse values, as well as an enhanced ability to develop and share their own ideas, and to act on their own judgment. Our society definitely needs individuals who have a deep understanding of human beings and who can act based on that understanding. In order for us to live humanely, the progress of science and technology alone is not enough. it is essential to maintain and develop culture in a broader sense. Without those who take a role in enriching culture, the humans will never achieve true affluence. We hope that our students will go on to play such roles in society. Let’s learn from each other through discussion. We look forward to welcoming all of you who have strong aspirations for the future.